Monday, November 9, 2009

New Student Activities Hub

The student activities office moved from the Cook University Union to its brand new office located in the Hub. The old bookstore was loctaed where the new office is. The student activities office is so much more than that. There are diffrent student oragnizations office located in there such as the Student Governmnet Association and the Southern Miss Activities Council. There are also rooms that student organizations can use for meetings and retreats. The new student activities office is a great place for all student oranizations at Southern Miss.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Research Carrels for Student Use in the Cook Library

The University of Southern Mississippi's Cook Library has many tools and advantages for students to use in there everyday academic life and one of the tools is a research carrel. The research gives students and faculty members the opprtunity to have a privite space in the library to study and do school work. The resaerch carrel has plenty of shelve space to hold books as well as a filling cabniet to hold papers. It is a great tool to have as a student when those big papers come where you just need to be alone. To rent a resecrh carrel for the semseter go to the USM Cook Library website

Monday, November 2, 2009

Unique Community Service Project for African Political Science Class

The African Politics and Culture class is a unique class by itself. It is a 400 level political science class that teaches about the politics of Africa and what is going on there today as well as the culture of Africa. What makes this class even more unique is that a requirment for the class is to do community service hours and the communinty servive you need to do is go and teach students about African politics and culture. This is a great teaching tool because you are teaching others about what you leraned in class and you are learning from the discussion you have with the class you are teaching. I taught high school student and had a great time doing it. I learned from them and I know they learned from me too.